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Cours d'appeaux de Sauvagine MLH

Calling lessons

We offer calling lessons and we manufacture our own calls. Michel LaHaye has won several geese and duck calling contests.

Canada geese basic call lessons

Basic goose call course

Cost: $100 for two sessions of 2 to 3 hours

Number of participants: maximum 10 per session

Included: Basic call mastery tutoring focusing on knowledge of the control elements of sounds produced: long distance, wail, cluck, double cluck, recall cry and low frequency sound/one syllabus 2-page course summarizing the topics covered / a $20 discount on the purchase of one of my goose calls (made at registration and not a posteriori).


  • Enter your email address, a course syllabus will be given to you;
  • Sessions given via the ZOOM platform;
  • So that I can follow you well during the demonstrations, use a QUALITY MICROPHONE, not only that of your laptop or your personal computer and loudspeakers to clearly hear my instructions, my sounds and those of others, the latter point is important because it is an important part of learning;
  • Connect 5 minutes before class, we will start at the scheduled time, the address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Each session will last between 2 to 3 hours depending on the students' learning speed;
  • The two sessions will be separated by two weeks to allow you to practice the basic techniques learned during the first;
  • You can use any brand of small call, short reed or half breed but not a flute, a diaphragm call or the very old Holt, Knight and Hale etc., be of your time!
  • Interactive lessons, each student will have to produce the requested sounds in turn, questions are welcome at any time.

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